Book 2 -

The Seneschal

Mountains of parchment and long days of labour; if Nolson simply had known the amount of work which lay before him, he might never have accepted the role of Seneschal in the first instance. From the moment he set foot in Lunnarch, the High Curate of the Sacellum of Alanor ensured he was neck deep in scrolls, so much so that he couldn’t spare a moment to enjoy the new-found luxury of his surroundings. And when the Provost unexpectedly invites him to visit the Palace, Nolson becomes unwillingly ensnared in the murky politics and intrigue which abound within the Northern Kingdom’s capital. As if he didn’t have enough on his plate already. Surrounded by ambitious Leechmen, wily Ashuri and the avaricious Nobility of the realm, Nolson must rise to the occasion and best them all if he is to survive both assassination attempts and the assault to his very reputation. For another Skull has surfaced, and together with his friends, Nolson must once more bring battle to the very evil which threatens to destroy the Kingdom…

  • Fantasy/Science Fiction, Paperback, 518 Pages

  • ISBN 978-0-6452929-1-6