The Skulls Saga

Welcome to my world! I hope you enjoy your visit.

I started writing when I was 8 years old. I have always enjoyed it, especially in the Fantasy space, although I have to admit to revelling in Science Fiction just as much. Books like Tolkien’s the Hobbit, and Edding’s Belgariad captured me in my youth and still hold me enthralled today.

I remember reading somewhere that Robert Jordan said that if you want to write, don’t start with writing an epic series - start with something small, like a stand-alone novel or some short stories. Well, I took that advice and I did. I wrote two novels actually, and I had an agent push them forward to publishers. I even illustrated them, and figured, in my naivety, that being both author and illustrator would give me an edge when it came time to submit. Well, it didn’t. Apparently illustrations are for children’s books, not mature audiences. More fool me. The basic rule of thumb is the more pictures you include, the younger your target audience is. Personally, I disagree; I love seeing artwork in fantasy novels and I’m not a kid. But then who am I to argue with the might of the publishing world? And I didn’t want to publish without the artwork, so here I am, doing it on my own and including all the artwork I like. Hopefully you’ll like it, too :)

And the inclusion of Artwork is the not the only way I have moved away from typical formulae. Don’t be looking for your standard heroes and heroines in my books. My characters are drawn from real life people I know and they have one thing in common - they’re all flawed, just like the rest of us. Including me. Oh, they’re gallant or noble or good in deed and spirit certainly, but in a more common way, rather than appearing larger than life as they do in some other novels. Nolson, for example (pictured right) is overweight, inept at many things and decidedly unpopular, but he does his best to muddle through and get the job done. Some readers have commented that they recognise people they know in my characters. And that’s exactly what I’m hoping to achieve.

Enjoy your time in my world. I enjoyed creating it, I hope you’ll enjoy your stay just as much!