Non-Fiction & Science Fiction books also by Fauve Publishing


    How well do you know the people you work with? Do you know what motivates them, or perhaps their aspirations? And what do you do with the information you have? Despite the fact we spend a large amount of time working alongside or leading our business colleagues, we rarely take the time to understand each other in a way that promotes effective interaction in the workplace.

    This practical, layman's guide explores self-awareness, an in-depth knowledge of your working colleagues, and then transforms that information into a simple and effective manual on 'how to' display powerful and constructive Leadership Behaviours.

    Business/Self Help, Paperback, 248 Pages

    ISBN 978-0-6452929-2-3

  • People Are Weird (Coming Soon)

    Have you ever noticed that? That people are weird? How often we expect someone to behave in a certain way but they end up doing something completely different? I certainly have! It can lead to some head scratching and no mistake.

    This book is designed to provide you with an understanding about the behaviours of others; whether they be introverted or extroverted, organised or chaotic, confident or otherwise, you’ll gain insights into their behaviours that you never had before! You’ll be able to predict how they’re likely to behave and you won’t ever be caught off guard again. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

  • 2084 - Big Sister is Watching (Coming Soon)

    Its Trump’s fault. Well, may be its not all his fault, but it sure started with him. If he had been a little more considerate and a little less pugilistic while President, then we wouldn’t be in the predicament we’re in now.

    Enter Ludmilla Vanderbilt. Scion of the great businessman, one time Governorness of Illinois, Chairwoman of the Female First Agenda and Champion of Womankind everywhere, the First Presidentess of the USA believes that ‘because it always takes a man to stuff things up, it will always take a Woman to fix it’. And fix it she does. Well, kind of. Sort of. Because after she does, it doesn’t go so well for men…at all.